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희망의 표현

1) ~하고 싶지만

  • I'd like to take a vacation.
  • I'd like (to have) a new car.
  • I'd like you to go with me.

2) ~하고 싶다 (직접 말하다)

  • I want to take two weeks off.
  • I want a new car.

3) ~을 바라다

  • I hope to see you soon.
  • I wish I could give you some.

4) ~하고 싶습니까

  • Do you want some coffee?
  • Do you want to go home?
  • Would you like to drink something cold?

5) ~을 하시렵니까

  • Do you want me to take you home?
  • Would you like me to recommend some books?
  • Shall I open the window?

6) 의문사를 이용하여 상대의 의지 듣기

  • What would you like to study at the university?
  • Where do you want to go?

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