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Pop Song
Always on my mind
Dust in the wind
How deep is your love
Let it be
Ob la di ob la da
The rose
This masquerade
Tie a yellow ribbon...
To sir with love
White Christmas
You won't see me


                                     Sung by Beatles

Michelle ma belle These are words that
go together well my Michelle
Michelle ma belle sont les mots qui
vont tres bien ensemble tres bien ensemble
I love you I love you I love you
That's all I want to say
Until I find away I will
you'll understand

Michelle ma belle sont les mots qui
vont tres bien ensemble tres bien ensemble
I need you I need you I need you
I need to make you see
Oh what you mean to me
Until I do I'm hoping you
will know what I mean
I want you I want you I want you
I think you know by now
I'll get to you somehow
Until I do I'm telling you
so you'll understand

Michelle ma belle sont les mots qui
vont tres bien ensemble tres bien ensemble
I will say the only words I know that
you'll understand my Michelle

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